Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Music Metamorphasis

When a band or musician creates something that moves people it can have a meta-inspirational/transformative effect on those people. The creativity of inspired people is an awesome thing to see.

With music you can easily see this by going to youtube and looking up cover versions of your favorite songs. Chances are high that you will find dozens of videos with fans either trying to recreate the song themselves, or trying to put a completely different spin on it.

One of the most amazing transformations that I have found were two covers of a Bomb the Music Industry (BTMI) song called "FRRRREEEEE BIIIIIIRRRRD!!!!!!". The original version is a loud, chaotic, energy and sound bomb of punk/ska frustration:

Bomb the Music Industry - FRRRREEEEE BIIIIIIRRRRD!!!!!!

Then I found a video that was posted by a guy who played an accoustic version of this song at an open mic night as a "fuck you" to people who kept yelling for him to play Free Bird by Lynyrd Synyrd, and it came out awesome:


Lastly, Euro band called 7 Seconds of Love put together an amazing and emotional slow tempo version of the song. There is an amazong dichotomy between this version and the original and this one, but all versions are great and can hold a completely different feel than the original:

7 Seconds of Love -  Bomb The Music Industry - Free Bird

Have a listen and see what you think. Creativity is awesome.

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